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"Our Services are designed to help you feel your best personally and professionally"


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7 Day Start Within Self -Care Challenge

If self-care is so important, how come we don't do it regularly?


We all have stressful moments in our lives. Chronic stress can actually make us sick. That's why it's important to have quality alone time, including mental and physical rest.


The Self-Care e-Journal is a resource for inspiration and ideas as you seek out new ways to care for yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Take this first step on your path to self-care and self-love.

Start Within - Be Free Tapping Circle  

The Start Within - Be Free Tapping Circle is a safe and spiritually uplifting environment where you can feel supported, 

loved, and cared for. 


This Tapping Circle is intentionally designed for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous) and other women/womxn of color.

We will tap on issues such as anger, anxiety, sadness, and any other concerns that are brought to the group for healing.


Tapping helps to rewrite negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs arising from microaggressions, gaslighting, and other forms of discrimination you may have experienced.

Want to join the next Circle?


Tap with Libbie

Are you a Black, Indigenous, Latina, or another woman of color who is feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or stressed? Want to calm your anxiety and reduce your stress? Well, relief is just a TAP away!  


Libbie is a chatbot we've created to provide mental health support for BIPOC women/womxn using Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT-Tapping. Sign up for the beta to tap with Libbie.

Tapping is a proven form of somatic healing that helps you to release stress not just from your mind, but from your body too! Libbie prompts you to describe your problems and tap with your fingertips on acupoints that align with the feelings that you share.


Are you IN?


Clarify Your Priorities With Priosys®

Your dream begins when you Start Within! Now, more than ever before, the world needs founders, leaders, and innovators who embrace this principle. Once you understand your motivations, you will fulfill your calling in unique and brilliant ways.

HOW? By having greater self-awareness.


Enter Priosys® a tool that is different from “popular” personality and psychological tools. Based on a scale of four simple priority systems, Priosys® enables you to better understand your priorities, especially as it relates to: Logic, Intuition, Relationships and Time.


These virtual appointments with Coach Colette are conducted via phone. Prior to your session, you will get access to complete the Priosys® Online Assessment. Also available for couples.

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